Info contact Michele Valente and Nunzio Mastromarino
Accoppiamento mirato a lungo studiato nei minimi dettagli e sfaccettature per lungo tempo. Per la prima volta ci concentriamo sul nostro stallone Red Rock's Red Tyler, padre di entrambi i soggetti, in modo da avere un' ancora selettiva che permetta alle linee materne di esprimere al meglio la loro famiglia e forza genetica.
È la terza generazione nata sotto il nome Valente's kennel, crediamo nei nostri soggetti, crediamo nella nostra selezione e questi cuccioli ne sono la dimostrazione.
Are you owner or breeder of this dog? If yes, write to admin and we move this dog to your account. After you can edit this dog and added more photos, information etc...
If you want new website of your kennel, look here. This website is automatic update from data of this database. So you no need programmed or another managed. Simply added dog, puppies or plan breeding to database, and all is updated on website of kennel too.
We are trying to collect information about American Pit Bull Terrier from all over the world. The website and database is intended for the community of American Pit Bull Terrier lovers and dog breeders worldwide who we hope will help us gather as much information as possible. Our focus is on American Pit Bull Terrier pedigrees and we would appreciate it to also host American Pit Bull Terrier pedigrees reaching back to the very beginning of American Pit Bull Terrier breeding.